Ode To Narnia
All the animals were in sync
Whispering, singing
And speaking with such ease
They rejoiced in the light
Of the fresh dawn
And the caress of the moon
They lingered in the winds
Of laughing pleasures
Soothing away worries and depression
They warmed themselves by fires
Of inspiration and joy
Dancing on the passion of excitement
They bid the stardust nights
A enchanted reception
Dawdling in the shimmer of their kiss
They breathed a gentle thought
Through the glad spirit
Reflecting grace and hope so plentiful
They reminded me just why I love
With all my heart and soul
Because the creator above loves so much more!
All the animals drew the children closer
Assuring them that belief would bring
The ultimate satisfaction, peace which endures
Every stress, worry or grief
Love that would always bring them
Through the storms that came so frequently
He taught them all, through the animals
That God is wise above all the answers
He gives to those who pray for His wisdom
He is the giver of life – through grace
He brings the worst sinner to repentance
And assures us all that He saves completely
Narnia was and is… the greatest book I’ve ever read
And C.S. Lewis is an author I believe
Followed Jesus to the best of his ability
His words flowed with hope, faith and love
His heart taught that life is built on trust
In Jesus and His unconditional love!