Ode To the Governor
Ode to the Governor
Warren Curle
I long for a woman I can't have,
She is a woman who dances in my dreams,
She is a woman I always think of,
She is a woman I want to
She is a woman I dream of making love to,
She is a woman I'd long to grow old with,
She is a woman I want to share my life,
She is a woman I'm forbidden to have,
She is the woman;I wish the State would free
She is the woman I cannot hide away with,
She is a woman that I must meet Between wire and steel
She is the woman I cannot sneak a kiss,
She is the woman listed by a coded number,
She is a woman;I pray the State will forgive,
She is a queen in the tower of our despair,
that knows how to love me,
Please oh please, Governor do let her go!