Ode To the Unsaid Said
It matters not no I think this is so and thus it is no?
Yea, I do believe this to be the way it shall be
From this past moment justly risen and so it will
Catering forth from my lips espoused with what I know not
Nor care I will from the why of this passing flame
Between my fingers like sand across the ocean floor forgotten yet never so
For why should my mind leave it behind discarded and unused?
Lest it truly desire to forget and abstain from whence this feeling born be
And yes I say and cringe when I do, that I do not, nor shall not do as I was to do
When I said in the day and cried in the night that I would do as I was bade
From your lips expressed a promise pleased and yearned to fall from mine do
Did not and cannot truly give lest I bound be to what and why I cannot say
For I am not of myself nor am I of my own counseling freely
Nor will this do for me in this day and night come forth unbidden yet anyway
Still I plainly ask you in the knowing there be an answer for me never shall
Not from your lips crested with strawberries untasted, so I remain veiled
Because of one transgression against fate, unforgiven still I be and stay
When never more have I wanted of and for but one lingering pass of petals fallen
Across my own silent breath like the whispered songs of those forlorn birds
Never touched with such knowledge and yet sail between heaven and earth
No, this will not do to pass and me my heartfelt friend in loss
Instead the petals fell and the dirt packed itself down across the burial of we
Long ago it feels to breeding in my mind and soul, like tears unheard, fallen still
And so I say to you once more before with a lost looking inside " ”
Therein you know me, do you not truly and you do so did, do see I that you do indeed
Yet still herein you lie what yawns you see to know not and hold you alone it does
Do not, no I pray and shout hold onto that no more for it is false
Stead know you this and this alone to be truest and boldly so for this day and next
In one pouch I placed a breath, a tear, a stone, a pinch, a braid and feather thoughts all
Wear it long into the summer of life will you do and I feel it to so I do, I did, will do
For knowing under the moon in the winter between you and me of the birth emoted to
Unhappy be one and one till the moment falls again when one smiles to do and do
I do, will do again as when last I saw with these my eyes shaded behind the sunny
Shied out and eye filled smile of parting with . . .
Then come what dreams shall we see to breathe across the day breaking anew