Of Love
The glimpse of something recognizable; meant seeing her, only see would be with him, and us together had been strained to exhaustion. But maybe the magic of night might give way to forgiveness and love. maybe the need of belonging might have her to wish me as hers again!
the appearance of love
weirded by the tensions
of being stressed.
Strains from obligation
or lack of concern
and desire to satisfy.
What words redraw
the duty of love
the premise
of understanding
to betray his trust
that he might labor
to make treaty
and than be undermined
by her need for attention
and her desire to be
with others.
his lack of commitments
and his eagerness to
Yet the understanding
where his need
to be secured
and have his
woman to be
truthful and precise.
not giving names to
those she don't know
or causing problems
with others
to have clarity and answers
instead of invoking her
naiveness to her man
so that he can assure
his woman.
stressed from situation
they become comedy for
those who know them
and are then easily
made into speckitals
for potential future
making stories of people
to entertain those
they wish to impress
and make examples of
to cause fear for others.
From the Book " the Spetikal" @021 Written by Cor Da Cacca and P. Yannick.
Why do we meddle in our family members relationships.By Talc Vetiuos and Seager Toopie.