Offer Her An Empty Silver Plate
Offer an empty silver plate,
then she will realize her guilt.
A faithless woman will do anything
for the love of money forgetting her promise,
she'll hug me and kiss me to seduce me,
but all that affection is faker than her smile;
once she got the diamonds and gold her voice
trembles with horrible lies to devastate me...
while her thoughts are set on a guy of her choice.
Offer her an empty silver plate,
then she willl realize her guilt.
Have a talk with her pointing out her unfaithfulness,
should she refuse to listen, deny her your trust;
it's the hardest lesson for someone who loves to cheat,
not caring for you when you reach for warm arms.
Offer her an empty silver plate,
then she will realize her guilt.
Giving less love is an eye-opening awareness...
that if you don't give, you won't receive more;
restrict her freedom to go after her desire
and ignore you through nights of loneliness.
Offer an empty silver plate,
then she will realize her guilt.
No faithful woman leaves your side to run
into the arms of another man who promises fun
to double her pleasure and leave you hanging...
as if all the swearing really meant nothing.
Offer her an empty silver plate,
then she will realize her guilt.