Often She Misses the Missed Walk
Sitting next to someone, she looked across the window
Sunshine a while ago and crazy turns the sky blue
Mind unable to imagine if it was something true
A light voice falls on the ears "if it snows today, we’ll go for a walk outside…."
She thinks- did I hear it right or is it a thought I should keep aside
She doesn’t have a jacket weatherproof
Her heart says-With what I just heard, do I even need the roof'
She sees white snow cotton balls rolling down the sky…
The heart beat suddenly rising a sea tide high
A second time the same voice saying- It’s snowing outside
The thought that indeed lured
Still the voice was knowingly but unwillingly ignored
Whether it was snowing or it would have that day poured
Could her heart ever be ensured
It snowed that day, the day passed and then a month
Gone was the snow and the year
But the voice so tender, still falls on her ear-
Secretly she wishes one more time the same she could hear
"Dark turned the sky a while ago was amber, it's snowing outside, let's step out of the chamber"
Often she thinks- "Wouldn’t it have been a walk to remember"
Had she listened to her heart- "Wouldn’t it have been a walk to remember"