Oh, Go Away Yesterday
Oh, Go Away Yesterday
It’s been long over between us two,
yet my emotions ignite when I think of you;
and my aura fades to dullest blue.
Oh, go away yesterday!
But you’ve been a jaybird happy and carefree,
ever since the day you had forsaken me,
scratching off our names from the old oak tree.
Oh, go away yesterday!
Even though my aching heart is one big mess,
loving memories of you still leave me breathless,
recalling pure ecstasy when I was your “goddess.”
Oh, go away yesterday!
Once I believed we had a shared destiny,
and our love would last for all eternity;
but now I know that was sheer insanity.
Oh, go away yesterday!
Date: 05-05-2018
Contest: Rhyme and Refrain
Sponsor: Broken Wings
Placement: 3rd