Oh, Let My Love Like April Rain
Oh, let my love like April rain
Wet the essence of your being,
Saturate your skin until I am
Its smoothness and the shine
Of your hair, and all of this
Not just to make you mine
But simply to contribute to
God's plan for your life in some small way,
Like sunlight serves a rose's bloom
And yet is not the bloom itself.
Oh, let my love strengthen bone,
Tone muscle fiber and mind against the day
Of reckoning that awaits us all,
Like unseen minerals dissolved from
Ocean layered skeletons of the dead
Later serve their living siblings,
All life a reservoir of sun's energetic gift,
Even my fermented tissue fueling rockets,
That funnel life full-blown to distant stars.
Oh, let there be nothing left on future Earth
For dying sun to consume at last
But traces of life - bones, and cracked egg shells,
While persistent life now populates the cosmos,
A living testimony to the evolutionary
Heart of God's love for us all,
Seeding new life throughout space-time,
As far-flung ancestors, perhaps,
Brought life to even Earth itself,
Intelligence, a self-correcting malware against
Mankind's fearfully imagined end of days,
Filling all of space instead with poetry and praise.
Brian Johnston
December 27, 2014