Oh, My Beloved
"From deep within my heart I always catch
the scent of my Beloved. How can I help but follow that fragrance?"
Quote By _ Rumi
The day I found love I do not regret _
It was in the Spring when the flowers bloom
And then, like a sweet dream you were my groom
It was our life destiny that we met:
Those romantic days I will not forget,
Oh, I can still smell your scent in our room
And yes, we were planning a baby boom
Still recall us walking- as the sunset.
Now, in my dreams I call for you in vain,
God had a plan my love so up you flew:
My heart is shattered and I am in pain,
but still feel you in the night and morn' dew,
Though dark death has taken you up above,
You will forever be my one true love.
July 18, 2022
Poetry/Rhyme/Dante Sonnet/Oh, My Beloved
Copyright Protected, iD 07-1474-500-18
All Rights Reserved, 2022, Constance La France
Body of poem is 124 words verified on PS Word Counter
Rhyming verified on Rhymezone.com abbaabba cdcdee
Syllables 10 per line, verified on HowManySyllables.com
Written in the Rhyming Sonnet style of Dante Gabriele Rossette
Written for the Premiere contest, Rhyme Rumi Quote
sponsor, Sotto Poet, Judged 08/12/2022
First Place