Oh Little Lamb of God
Oh little lamb of God
brought forth by a virgin of simple hands
son of the father unto all men
To and fro he walked this earth
Until his sacrificial end
coughed up by one of his own
poor little lamb
innocently most humbly
Yet on his last night of his life
he broke bread with twelve men
a Sacrament of his own flesh and blood
he freely offered them
God the Father sent his son,
our salvation whom bestowed
honor, blessings, mercy,
and the greatest of love
His heart pure and earnest
such was this little lamb
lead to his end with a heavy cross to bare,
weary brow, and steady hands,
a love for others unending
Through humility, and peace,
his forgiveness unfailing until the end,
crying out to his father it was now done,
lamb of mercy, lamb of peace,
lamb of rite, lamb of eternity,
I lay my heart upon his graceful feet
and cleanse my soul with his blood and body
the Holy Sacrament, forever, and ever,
to enter in heaven's doorway in peace, amen