Oh Love
When love finds a man,
She makes him a child,
A slave,
A servant,
Strikes his manhood to childhood,
He becomes a child to obey.
Oh love
Oh love
When love steals a man’s heart,
He becomes a follower,
He forgets his strength,
He gives up his power,
He becomes the ruled.
Oh love
Oh love
When love courts a man,
He splashes his secretes,
Breaks himself loose,
Just like Samson,
He forgets his own beliefs.
Oh love
Oh love
When love embeds into a man’s heart,
He gives up everything to defend his woman,
Though he may be weak, he will fight,
Though he is poor, he will provide for his woman,
He becomes a king, even when he is inferior.
Oh love
Oh love
Love you are so sweet,
You let a man’s heart dwell in eternal peace,
You make him to walk in the world of roses and bliss,
You make him strong; even when he is the celebrity of weakness,
You make him rich, though he is a peasant.
Oh love
Oh love
How I desire to embrace you forever,
To rest in your bosom ever,
To tread within your peaceful heart always,
To make you my all in all.
Oh love
Oh love