Oh Rain, How I Love Thee So
Oh rain, how I love thee so,
you're my dear disregarded friend, my often passed up on mate,
you make life's canvas beautiful and awe-inspiring and you refresh the ground when It's worn down and gasping for relief.
You bring us many different things that I know I am grateful for yet more often than not my fellow brethren they mock your appearance saying things like "my day is going to be boring now thanks to the rain" or speeches along the lines of "I miss the sunny days"; the radio and TV forecasts they always tag you with misery but I say that you bring us hope and assurance for present and future, you are beautiful though others do not see it.
Oh rain, how I love thee so,
please don't cry, the only tears I want to see from you are the droplets of water that paint on the canvas a masterpiece that we all need to survive.
I will still love you when the others have denied you, unconditionally, that's my mandate and I hold on to it with nothing but joy.