Oh the Night Ii
Oh the night
Oh my most precious night
with your stars so bright
radiant and full of splendor
streaming down
casting a glow
a glow upon her familiar face
her becoming face
with your moon so calming and luminous
it's hues of red and yellow and orange
creating the perfect backdrop for this night
Oh the night
Oh my most precious night
when I first touched her delicate skin
caressing her cheek
with the back of my hand
speaking to her soul
with just that look in my eye
how I so longed to kiss her
and her moistened red lips
and when I did your sky lit up
the winds surrounded us
and carried us off into your sky
Oh the night
Oh my most precious night
I am indebted to you
for all the smiles you've created
Oh how long I have waited
for your countless dreamy nights