Oh the Sun
Trailing through the sun-kissed sand
High above your head
Your fingers stretch to touch the sky
That weaves its clouded thread
And through the net your smile escapes
As bare feet, through corn, tread.
The air is sweet with tangy smoke
A playful breeze surrounds
And gentle singing notes engulf
The light that swirls and bounds
And collapse in bliss to kiss your eyes
Through silent words profound
Draw slowly in the fragrant air
Your lungs consume their fill
And let it go to flit away
Your heavy chest is still
But restless eyes make known their thoughts
They dance against your will
Then lift the lids to sunny haze,
But gaze at stars above
Grasp quick, confused to feel the earth
Now cold beneath your touch
And struggle up, remember you:
The long and lonely love
But wipe the pearl drops from your cheeks,
The dark would seem too much