Oh To Be Free
The people I love try not to show,
But they see me dying and they know.
The battle that takes place...in me,
With my addiction, Oh to be free.
Fifteen years trapped inside,
Thousands of lonely teardrops cried.
Without my addiction, What good could I be?
Thoughts conflicting, Oh to be free.
Desperate to prove I'm right not wrong,
Knowing that i can never really belong.
With my addiction, Much bigger than me,
Wishing it would end, Oh to be free.
Ever consuming, lives destroyed
its been here so long its so hard to avoid
I run try to hide but it still finds me
my head in my hands, Oh to be free
how can i find motivation to breathe
let alone find the courage to finally leave
my pastimes of old, to find the old me
while I’m fighting my addictions, Oh to be free
by James Thomas Mahauariki
Copyright © 2008