Ok, But I'M Leaving the Seat Up
If you throw like a girl is it because you’re a girl
Or because the boy is more practiced?
And if you do practice, if you do care enough
If he throws a ball harder is it because you’re a girl
Or because he has more muscle mass,
And if another male throws harder that I
Do I throw like a girl? Mark me down simply
As one who seeks to enjoy whatever I do. You should too,
I promise to only love you more for it, but
Only fools wreck their bodies for adulation of others.
If I cry, does that mean that I cry like a girl,
Or, as I suspect, are girls always more practiced
And if I practiced might my tears perhaps bring me less shame
How does one push feelings down and still remain human?
A man that can kill? Well is that human gain?
Though men hold the reins, whose hand rocks the cradle?
To keep family safe should all men become drones?
Perhaps women need to play bigger roles too
And more gender equality come to the fore.
Beautiful, tough and outstanding is self-knowledge
What the world thinks not worth two wooden nickels
If it does not speak to your heart. and only to pride.
Smell nice for me and love being a woman,
If you can love that men love you, love your magic shape,
Love the compassion in your heart, love man’s innocence,
Love that there is strength in the length of your hair,
Bring poetry into your sexuality and always be loved.
Trust that being a man is not always that easy either.
Embrace your potential but study weaknesses as well
For weakness understood properly is future strength.
Don’t drive men wild though instead drive men sane.
Help men to understand that needing you is OK,
That some kinds of weakness in men strengthens love.
The next time you ask me to help in the kitchen
Respect too that men have ideas on where things should go
After all babe I am the man of the house…
Hear me roar!
Brian Johnston
April 27, 2015
Poet's Notes:
I am hoping to make this an Echo poem by combining a poem called 'Like A Girl' by "Poet Destroyer A" with the poem you see here. Wish me luck!