Okay KK
It's because of ya ya ya you
I'm ashamed to be wa wa wa white
Don't be sus sus sus suprised If I don't fa fa fa forgive you or f f f fight
All I can sa sa sa say is ga ga ga go castrate yourself
And sssstring yourself up like blood fruit
From a ta ta ta tree or a ca ca ca cross
You're all la la la lost and fa fa fa far from being superior
So pa pa pa please, go da da da dig your own grave and jump in
For there's nothing to win when you're ju ju ju just wrong
No songs will be sus sus sus sung in your honor
Ka ka ka keep hiding your head in your hu hu hu hood
You all look like ghosts to mum mum mum me anyway
As a mum mum mum matter of fffffact, you're all du du du dead inside
And you'll never be fu fu fu fffreee and you'll never be gu gu gu good
As of lu lu lu lu late you just lllllive in hate
The p p p p pain you inflict will never be right
May the ra ra ra rains fall hard on your night
May your da da da dreams never ca ca ca come true
But mum mum mum mmmaybe one day you mum mum mmmay see the light
Just ta ta ta take off your ru ru robe and ba ba ba burn it in plain sight
And re re rejoin the hu hu human race, stop ba ba ba bummin me out
It's just plain da da da dumb, dumb, dumb dumb
Idiocracy at its wa wa wa worst!
Ju ju ju just leave us all alone and ga ga ga go sa sa sa suck on a bone
I'll never wa wa wa walk in your sha sha sha shoes, in fu fu fu fact
You sh sh sh should take yours off
And ra ra ra roam until your fa fa fa feet ba ba ba bleed
Mummummum maybe then you just might see
Who am I kidding?
You'll never see the truth the way that you are
You're just too ruthless, it's sa sa sa ssso ba ba ba bizarre
So, do us all a favor and take a knife to your throat
'Cause you've missed the ba ba ba boat
No ka ka ka coins on your eyes will make you fa fa fa float
Or sus sus sus save your soul!
It's just not oh ku ku ku ka ka ka kay to be you!
It's not okay! Kay kay kay
Okay? kay! KKK
It's not okay!