Old Flames
They called her the Fire Woman
for wherever there was fire
she was there
In the Fall
when all
the brush needed clearing
in Spring
when everything
else needed to be burned
she showed up, smiling
beguiling flames
to her beck and call
Her tall, brown-skinned frame
'though lean and weathered
and stooped a bit
was still powerful and somewhat
imposing- not so much in
her physical presence
as in her demeanor
and the silent
in her amber eyes
as if embers
from the flames
were in her spirit
and fire itself was in her soul
She was old
no one knew her exact age
or much about her
except that she loved
to play with fire
and it fell and rose
to her every whim
No one could lay claim
to controlling fire
but her...
and then him-
A strange romance
between the Fireman
and the Fire Woman began
a love that revolved and
flickered around
their common passion
for flames
one who started fires and
one who put them out
without a doubt
it was intense heat
that drew them together
But unlike young lovers
who easily get burned
they were slow and steady
patiently tending
their home fires
taking care to control
and manage the blaze to
gently keep it going, and not
let it get too cool or too hot, but
just right for a brisk, chilly night
Two old flames
burning toward the end of life
keeping each other
from the cold