Old Jim
Old Jim was always ready with a smile,
And it became contagious that was just his style.
He never let life get the better of him,
And you could just see it, the love that transported out of those old eyes of Jim.
Jim never got married said it was just to hard to choose,
And he would say, love is sometimes a gamble and it’s to painful when you lose.
But you could tell as Jim grew older that, that was the part of life that he missed most,
He thought he had it all figured out and along towards the end all that was left to do was sit back and coast.
But the walls have a way of closing in and loneliness is a bitter friend,
Especially on those long cold winter nights that seem to never end.
Well spring brought about a different Jim, one who looked haggard and worn,
And that once so impressive smile was now a look of scorn.
Till one Sunday church social old Jim decided to go,
There his life was about to change, there he met the love of his life, her name was Betty Jo.
She said old Jim you don’t impress me much but I sure like your smile,
He said I need you to come and be my bride, for it’s you I’ve needed for such a long, long while.
They were married on that very day, two lonely souls came together as one,
Now his smile is back again, you should see old Jim and his newborn son.