Old Mama Gass
Old Mama Gass
she lives in a zoo
she has three furry children
who fill her heart through.
There's one Auggie, one Kelly
and one Kandi Kane
who is often referred to
as her Kandi Pain.
There is always a pile
of fur on the floor
she vacuums it up
but she quickly gets more.
She once had an Ashley
but she went away
it has been five years
since that very sad day.
This past December
she was joined by Boo
her sweet little kitty
in heaven now too.
They both joined another
a black cat named Dink
who she use to find curled up
asleep in the sink.
Then there was Ratley
so cuddly and fat
she loved him quite dearly
yes, he was a rat.
She had so many others
through life as she grew
There was Patches and Daisy
and their puppies , too.
She loves them all dearly
in heaven and here
they have filled up her heart
with love and good cheer.
She knows there is nothing
like the love of a pet
you will love them forever
and never forget.
Inspired by Danielle Whites Animal Companions contest