Love Poem: Old Man and the Old Spice
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Written by: Tamanna Ferdous

Old Man and the Old Spice

I loved that old man. 
A weirdo, and the biggest snob 
I have ever seen,  in my entire life.
To be honest, 
he is the stingiest person 
that ever tried to present me 
in a delicate life and death situation. 

He is the first, 
and I think, in ranking, 
The runner up is my oldest sister. 

She is the fiercest bargainer 
I have ever observed in my entire life. 

I was with her once in a supermarket clothing store.
 After a fiasco of showmanship 
 and rehearsal time 
in a mess of piled up yards and feet 
in markin cloth, silk and cotton 
or other kinds of fabrics,
the shopkeeper did surmise, 
“Please take the clothes, and take your money too!” 

He was sweating a lot! And truly sweating was he! 

I had only one sister, 
and I still have her. 
Love hurts too much, 
and it is a complicated one. 
As often it is a non refundable travel time story 
for me just to avoid confrontation,
Too much in a frontal way! 

I fell there, fell for her and to her churned up reasons
from my childhood days,,, till today… 
from bed, 
in red, and in a dreadful tread , 
not to see evil, or understand evil, or speak evil too!. 

As it is already hurting… as I already mentioned,
and I mentioned so!  
As they say for a pandora box.
Or to separate the unorthodox.

Nonetheless, you try to be a payless fable. 
And you show less to be humble
and you showcase and it can/ could mumble
For their blessed ones too! Harmless, toothless

What an awful mess ! 
not to be, 
in the higher skill, 
possessed in the self
 as a personified,  he!

Still you do, 
You do it too!
and you know that you do,

and it is better in late coming 
than not coming, at all! 

At least for a downer’s fall!
Nay Paul! Nay Paul!