Old Shattered Pieces
Old chair shattered pieces trash now
I'm envious of my love's new chair
For he softly lays his sleepy brow
Upon that brown leather without a care
I'm envious of my love's new chair
For he snuggles down close sleeps
Upon that brown leather without a care
Rests, dreams, and quietly talks peeps
For he snuggles down close sleeps
In this big man new leather recliner
Rest, dreams, and quietly talks peeps
This big man who rest then is kinder
In this big man new leather recliner
He caresses the leather gently
This big man who rest then is kinder
While he rest I watch him intently
He caresses the leather gently
For he softly lays his sleepy brow
While he rest I watch him intently
Old chair shattered pieces trash now