One old sock afforded free the one they thought the drier ate the one they
dropped by accident the basket overflowed in haste of want to escape the rain
the sock has none no toe jam yet no misery of toe no hole it is white it is in small
form the top is not so very long but short like a ballerina dancing in a music box
she wears sox like these
Could this one be the sock she wore on a foot like mine to keep it warm?
Iola the dancer the prance the vixen the ballerina the lover the sock loser in the
drier she it is that loves me and still cares Iola is the other name for ewe.
The missing pages on the internet the hair nets no one can ever find they need
them back they must be worn to cover hair in kitchens there the kisses muss the
hair so coifed and formed with gel the parfume forgotten spilled the baby powder
added to make the special day. Dancing done in heart if not in deed dancing just
for me. Jacket is lined and Indian motif fits with my jeans a lighter color blueing
blending as eye dance as eye prance just for Iola ewe in
mye sock and nothing else as she appraises mee. Sandals hidden against the
day eye need them shoes of leather marking time some of them just needing
dimes to ride ride ride then walk some more in leather uppers made of nothing
wondering at love and shoes and slipping in the cracks of learning wondering
again at love slipping sock upon the left foot only making shoe to fit more snug
BULLETIN Flashing News If MSN acquires YAHOO then none of the games will
ever work again the Windows will have the YAHOO frames and MSN will be the
tending frames. Yellow will dominate the blue and everything will be PEA GREEN
when MSN becomes YAHOO nerves strained beyond belief as headache comes
again with no relief just perhaps the medicine eye take so much later in the day
will win me a stay of execution intended not to mend it not to heal it but just to
temporarily extend it. When eye was working and eye lost my toe they took it off
the boot and greasy as it was they tossed it in the trash and smiled Can you save
my toe eye cried NO was all he said it is too dirty there is no way to use it now.