Love Poem: Olive Tree
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Written by: Wendy Rycroft

Olive Tree

The olive tree withstands,
History tells her story,
Age portrays it,
Thousands years of growth,
No matter what comes,
She stands the test of time,
Wars, disasters, blood, 
Tears and peace,
Past present and future,
Nothing can uproot,
Or take away her love,
Brilliantly shining,
Her message to the world,
Producing good vibes,
Small oval fruit,
With a bitter flesh,
Food for thought,
And the taste of forgiveness,
Anointing with her oil,
Offering reconciliation,
A symbol of peace,
Honour joy and favour,
Branching into friendship,
Her communication,
Calls from the Garden of Eden
Bringing wealth and health,
The perfect wedding 

Wendy Jae