On Love We Feast
Firstly i am Portraying my poem in a literal sense..
This aching heart is in agony through emotional wounds
You cannot see the wounds yet.. tears fall and portray them
Through the shedding of tears..I must believe that something will come of this pain
So as they land on ground..I imagine them enriching the earth and providing for others in pain
Everyone trying to escape...let somehow my tears be their aid...
But for all of you that feel like me...we know love is our sin..our overindulguence...oh to be loved
Transform the rawness of my emotions..take it..use what my tears have provided and feed no pain to the masses
But life will still go on
We cannot defy the winds of change...never
But that doesn't make right now any easier
When all I want is what I had before the pain
The original poem
When this heart bleeds
Tears rain on planted seeds
Crops will grow and never cease
To fulfill those in need of release
Trapped souls trying to escape it's means
Cornered within crying out...Please!!
On love we feast
On love we feast
Turn those crops to yeast
Let them rise in soul protected heath
Yet activity lies beneath
Unseen..life still weaves
On my cheek it breathes
And kisses me...
But before it leaves
My heart pleads