On My Knee's, Lord
When I think of the years, I wasted,
How it saddens my heart, to know,
I thought by myself, I could make it,
And the struggle, I could handle alone.
But when the spirit of God, took over,
And He opened my eyes to see,
I discovered that I, was never alone,
He was always there standing by me.
I thank you Lord for all the good,
And the bad times in my life,
For it was then I needed most,
A friend by my side.
You'll always be there with me
In all I go through,
Now on my knees,Lord,
I'm thanking you.
When I think of the years up ahead,
I know difficult times there will be.
The worries I'll have, I'll never dread,
For on Him I depend to relieve.
As I thank Him for all, He's already done,
I have faith in Him, to believe,
I can go on ahead and thank Him for,
The things that's set before me.