On Social Psychology of Political Relationships
Ecoconsciousness is not necessarily also self- or ego-consciousness.
Eco means home,
ecological as conjecturally resonant,
and notnot anima-ted shadow balancing.
Just as empathy is necessary,
but not sufficient for co-empathy.
As eisegetical inductive teleological intelligence
is not necessarily exegetically deductive co-intelligence.
As human natural ecopolitics of experiential learning
is necessary but not sufficient to Tipping Point balance
bicamerally humane ecological-polypathic dipolar comprehension
of ecosystemic evolutions
and great transitional revolutions,
Time's nutritionally favored and flavored
fragrant and fluidly multi-colored
and sensed and researched,
winter thru winter-5th full-seasoned,
where bicameral-functioning biosystems
are anima's cooperative economic nurturing
as ecosystems remain healthy
doublebinding animus' political full-octave power-with.
Owl Medicine
bilaterally equivocating wise-ambivalent wu wei
ego/eco Moose Medicine.