On the Bank
My soul's amber light filters my memory's wellspring
shining on a thread woven through the stillness of time
there on the closest edge of yesterdays
we meet again
you, forever young and beautiful
as we watched the sunset
tossing pennies in a stream, making wishes of our dreams
laughing like children while counting fireflies
who invaded our silent evening
stars arrived with their star-light glows
as we sought freedom's imagination
of glorious realms from long ago
you said you were a Queen being held for ransom
and I a Knight who would rescue you
from a castle of pagan warriors
soft kisses stoled our adventure
and brought us back to sweeter senses
where love chained us to its moors
you are the love that stays in my heart
you are the enduring yesterday
before our time dwindled away into separate tomorrows
to become a lovely memory
contest A Lovely Memory
sponsor Regina McIntosh