On the Floor
As I lie here lying on the floor
remembering the words you said to me before
words in hate of how my writings were elementary
and how I were nothing but a whore!
As I lie here lying on the floor
listening to your slumbers and snores
licking my ice cream remembering
the tears I've shed for you before
thinking now only of the end of my ice cream and how I wanted more
realizing my cravings are no longer of you anymore!
As I lie here lying on the floor
unknowingly as you stumble through your dreams
cause you stayed out the night before
And I this "elementary minded whore"
smiled as I felt my soul creeping halfway out the door!
So you see,
as I lie here lying on the floor
remembering the words I forgave you but cannot forget
you've said to me once before.
I lie here loving you no more
I lie here lying no more!