On the Rocks
Scotch and love on the rocks
both hard to swallow
one can bring tears to the eyes
the other tears from your heart
one easy to walk away from
the other impossible to outdistance
one mellows with time
the other will always feel like just yesterday
one takes you gently
the other can take you to your knees
one easy to look forward to
the other can take you completely by surprise
one allows you to toast your fortune
the other to forever recall a treasure lost
one may take a day to get over
the other you may never get over
one can be done alone
the other takes just two
one can be stirred
the other can shake your very soul
one is measured by age alone
the other can happen regardless of age
one is referred to with words of respect
the other of words you regret forever
you get to choose
the one from the other