On This Land
Written: January 04, 2024
Magnificent orchids are being flourished on this land.
Love lyrics serenaded for odd lovers of this land.
The whirlwind carried the rest of my nest fodder away.
A wingless bird's exclusive abode is in a wrecked land.
Beyond the grapple of men, two sisters knit at a loom.
Each thread of their bright tapestry is woven on this land
Lines head to be draped amid the admirable shadow.
Many emboldened spirits had raised labels in this land.
They process into the droves to explore the sacred halls.
Discovering an understanding of love in this land!
I've embraced the lovely planet I won't whine to the sky.
I can grasp all of it, but I lost my skills in dreamland.
Light a blaze in flatter for solace to a weary soul.
Crones sat down at the embers with dignity in this land.
The world is nebulous and my purpose never dwindled
Life is bereft of motivation that sticks in this land
Sadly, my unique resource of approval has been lost.
People deceived me and misinformed me about my land.
The spatial layer has taken on architect's labor.
With no intention of standing unaided in this land.
Despite how accurate my ear is for faraway chords.
Watch over the trumpets superbly blasted in this land.
I feel upset and have a strong desire to catch a nap.
Why did I acquire it? How did all arise in this land?