On This Side of Town
Breath and walk easily in a night so blue...
under the green branches of the pines;
and see the brisk breeze that lull the daises,
on the trimmed lawns, sparkling with dew!
On this side of town, rain comes frequently,
to make all things grow, and the courteous robins
live peacefully with the jaunty blue-jays ;
what if people who live here acted similarly,
wouldn't love suddenly overflow and immensely gleam...
like an unexpected snow-fall and make everyone dream?
There are no big crowds where one has to jostle,
no sky-scrapers inviting those shadows so thick and frightful;
nobody leaves the lights on and jitters at night...
couples happily stroll down the lit streets and confidently smile!
On this side of town, all stars seem closer and look shiner,
and folks stop and observe their astonishing beauty:
to requite their love, regarding them as friends...
that always listen to their secrets without apathy;
and they see a magnificent creation without error!
In simpler times, life was modest and slow,
kids rode their bikes down a few blocks,
now they play video games and set up awful plots;
they use foul language and slam the door!
On this side of town, poverty is not known as cursed death,
and the beggars don't have to ask for money;
they are fed with the bread of sweet life...
here they find everything: love, joy, comfort and serenity!
Copyright 2008 by Andrew Crisci