On Top of My Pizza
On top of my pizza
filled with bacon and cheese
sits a juicy pineapple ring
filled up with garden peas
This gives much wanted colour
to my anticipated big bite
the base is so thick
raising one's mouth a new height
The juice from my pineapple ring
runs all over my pizza
adding zest to its taste
giving it a new added feature
Now the ring slips slowly down
to fall off the plate
on to the floor below the table
I'm sitting at with my date
Then it moves over to the other side
where sits my date a real beaut
who thinks I'll have that
but finds it stuck to her foot
So I cut it from her foot
making her footloose and fancy free
with my knife and fork
made her eyes see only me
Love came via a pineapple ring
to cherish and keep we joyfully sing
AUTHOR NOTES: written with the childrens song in mind 'on top of spaghetti'
with a slight change of focus!