On Valentine's Day
far back in 278 Anno Domini
Emperor Claudius II had hung
a holy priest called Valentine,
Captain Cook on the 14th of '79
having circumnavigated his life was
not a God, so killed by native blood line
the Teddy Bear's 14th felt sorrowfully
when lost to him on that day in '84
his mother, Mittie, and wife, Alice Lee
that was the day back in '29
when thugs gunned down thugs
their revenged vendetta time
same time as Chicago gunned down
penicillin was also discovered
supplanting the sulfa drugs around
dehydrated with fever oozing out
virally you left too that 14th day
leaving me with a sorrowed doubt
so remembered year after year
love's shot in the heart
of those brothers we hold dear
in some future 14th to come, perhaps
my loving lover's gaze I'll remember
handing some flowers, a love relapse
© Goode Guy 2012-02-09
for my closest brother