Love Poem: On Writer's Block
Ken Carroll Avatar
Written by: Ken Carroll

On Writer's Block

Perhaps I should
write about something
besides love
although my freethinking pen
is attached to my heart
a battle I cannot win...

I seek
to be a writer assassin
but I cannot slay the muse
or force her to show up
I must pamper her
squeeze her
and kiss her
for all of her inspiration...

Ah, but not to write
is short of torture
a chaotic and bloody battle
If I write
I find inner peace
not writing
is death of the soul...

Ink on paper
arrange and polish
add and delete
merciless determination...

My words
my poems
are beatings of my heart
put to paper...

It's a sad thing
when one gets writer's block
such frustration and tears
fortunately for me
I don't have it....