Once I Sought But Love Ran Away
Once I Sought But Love Ran Away
I sought peace by way of knowledge
the well was full but the peace it did so hide
I ran races after peaceful horses but
the saddles fell of and trampled was my heart
I sought love by way of exciting sex with
beautiful vixens but satisfied I found love hiding
I ran after soft girls with hard sexy bodies only
to find sex great but true joy O' so elusive
A journey lead me into a wild life looking for
clues to peace and love. I found great pleasure
no real gain. I sat for years begging for an answer
when suddenly a little bird told me-
Stop, you are trying to force it!
Love flees from force. Settle down, look around
and you will see Love seeking you out! A great
truth hit me like a ton bricks. I obeyed that
little voice and now married ten years to the
Love that searched me out!
Hallejah and I praise her with a Shout!!!!!
Stop, open your heart, look and listen.
That same little bird just may speak to you!
Robert Lindley. 08-13-2014