Once In a While - All of the Time
Once in a While / All of the Time
Once in a while, my love tastes (Lord) fond kisses!
Once in a while, born a whispered, "I love you!"
Once in a while, you leave treats this fool misses!
Once in a while, I feel smiles when we argue!
Once in a while, I write poems you'll favor!
Once in a while, we share ways that we're grateful!
Once in a while, it seems clear that you're braver!
Once in a while, both call politics hateful!
All of the time, I will pray you're love's answer!
All of the time, Truth's way forward escapes me!
All of the time, you're an infinite dancer!
All of the time (Oh! Dear Heart!), you're love's homey!
June 1, 2023