Love Poem: Once There Was a Love
Roger  Roger  Avatar
Written by: Roger Roger

Once There Was a Love

Once there was a love 
that was brighter than the light of dawn.  
Like a bliss of rousing rapture;
a tale, so sweet to remember.  

Like the blazing rays of the rising sun, 
our hearts were like the stars. 
We were dazzling in glowing ember; 
our shine was pure divine. 

We were two hearts full of hope,
that we could make it against the storms; 
that through the years, our love would blossom 
like two flowers bloomed in tune. 

But then in one cold lonely night,
you drifted away without goodbye. 
I was left asking my puzzled heart~ 
What caused your love to part?

How can I face tomorrow alone?
How can I cross the bridge of loneliness? 
How can I walk the streets of sorrow?
How can I live without your love?

October 19, 2022

Inspired by a song - Once There Was A Love Poetry Contest (1st place) 
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