Once Upon a Dream....
Our love is strong like the ocean,
Sometimes calm, sometimes unstable.
But always present and constantly fierce.
So great, there's no name or label.
Your soul radiates such a beautiful glow,
It warms my sometimes icy heart.
I feel I can do anything in the world,
so as long as we're not apart.
A kiss for your luscious lips,
makes my heart and soul smile.
Even when I'm mad or upset,
I yearn for your touch, all the while.
My heart is all for you and only you,
And I hope you feel the very same.
To share passion like ours is incredible,
And to not have experienced it, is a shame.
I hope to one day speak our marriage vows.
Then I can finally be a someone's treasured wife.
To hear you say you feel the exact same way,
Would be one of the sweetest words spoken in my life.