Love Poem: Once upon a time
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Written by: Durley Christian

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, in a world spun of gold,
Where mountains were diamonds and oceans, untold,
A love like no other was born in the air,
Between a king and a queen—no love could compare.

The king saw the queen from a tower of light,
Her beauty, it shattered the stars of the night.
With every glance, the planets stood still,
The moon bent its silver to bow to her will.

He rode on a stallion made out of the sky,
His breath turned to rainbows, his tears made birds fly.
Through forests of emeralds, past rivers of pearls,
He raced just to tell her, “You’re more than the world.”

The queen, in her splendor, could summon the breeze,
Her whisper could topple the tallest of trees.
Yet when she saw him, her heart burst in flames,
The heavens cried out, “We must know their names!”

She waited by waterfalls woven with lace,
Her eyes held the sun in a golden embrace.
With a voice like the wind, she called out to the king,
“My love, you’re the reason the angels still sing.”

They met in a meadow where roses could talk,
Where time itself paused just to watch them both walk.
He knelt at her feet, the earth split in two,
And flowers grew brighter just hearing “I love you.”

The birds stopped their flying, the oceans stood still,
The stars dimmed their sparkle—they knew nothing would thrill
As much as the kiss that was shared in that place,
Where galaxies trembled in infinite grace.

And so they were wed under skies painted red,
The clouds spun their gowns and the planets all bled
Colors that only the deepest loves see—
For theirs was a love that could set the world free.

Now legends are told of their endless delight,
How love shook the cosmos that fateful, bright night.
For in their embrace, all creation found rhyme,
A love so immense it could outlast all time.

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