Once Upon a Time World
Inspired by Christy Hardy. (For the title)
That world,
So sweet with wonder,
Candyland to all hearts,
Was it real, I wonder?
Or only certain parts?
The child at Christmas,
Saucer sized eyes
Of anticipation...
Mother baking Christmas cookies...
Tinsel on the sweet smelling tree,
Did this really happen?
Happen to you or me?
Or did Daddy come home,
Drunk and surly,
Drank up his Christmas bonus,
Christmas was now doomed,
To Mother was left the onus,
To save what she could
Of this most precious holiday,
And at this she was so good...
Children are pliable,
They are always learning
By what they see about them,
Mother's Love would always
Save the day,
She shouldered her burdens well,
Or so it seemed to us children,
Cause she would never tell,
But now I wonder how many nights
She cried soft tears,
As her drunken mate snored on
She fought our fight,
She earned our love,
But now, dear Mom, is gone.