A lost feeling returning like the feeling to a limb gone to sleep
Regrettably the only thing that there is to do anymore is die
Life is just the training ground for death, and the after life
If you even believe in the after life that is, hardly anyone does
Keep the children hidden under the stairs and the dogs outside
The darkness creeps in through the windows and takes over
Seeping slowly toward the foot of the bed, and climbing in
Feels kind of warm in a way, kind of like when soup gets cold
Kind of like when the sun pops out from behind the clouds
Only to run and hide again, and then all goes cold, a chilling wind
Forget about what you have been told, nothing is true anymore
The only things that matter are what await you on the other side
Those things aren't good either, they wait to destroy you
A reign of destruction from within, when the lights go out
When the sun fades and the moon takes over, to carry you into the night