One Flesh
violent power seduces within
moments equipping assurance,
swirling senses of embrace,
confusing the present.
our bodies succumbed-motionless
form clouds above, trembles of loneliness.
outpouring rivers of wine,
her innocence,
my softness
aching squalls of temptation,
tender flesh
discloses nature
behind fine-combed meadows
parting our conscious,
lavender harlot kisses.
bearing our weight-drumming,
steady-cadence-of- passion. numbing
spilled breath heavy as
saturating coastal fog.
peacefulness of sleep,
caresses shivers across my legs,
whirlwind tremors
begin tensing her thighs,
(a suffocating serpent)
imprisoned between heavens
softness of touch, across abdomens.
for a moment,
exposed true nature,
life becoming no parenthesis,
bodies wrapped in
weightless vertigo-