One In Our Difference
I wonder why some people get offended because you believe differently than they do? I am very happy to give others the latitude to cherish their beliefs and worship (or not) in the manner they see fit, in fact I support it, no matter WHAT it entails, (as long as it doesn't hurt others) ...
But please give ME the same space and consideration, and do not assume to tell me I'm wrong because I feel differently than you do, and try to not look down on or condemn me and others just because you believe that your beliefs are the "correct" or righteous ones ...
It's not our differences that cause all the problems in this world, it's the lack of mutual respect, empathy, and understanding that we give to those around us. Our inability to let others believe the way THEY choose to, is what cultivates hatred, animosity and bias in this world ...
I personally know people who are quite adamant about the fact that they have found the "truth" and the right path, who claim to put forth love and kindness and understanding, yet if your views don't fall in line with theirs, then surely there must be something wrong with you ...
Faith is a very important part of religion, and I completely understand its crucial import and weight, and how it directly relates to worship and spirituality, but NO ONE knows for sure what this whole voyage "life" is about, and no one ever will, until we each pass FROM it ...
So, you may not agree with my beliefs, they may not remotely resemble what yours are, but please make NO mistake, they are just as PRECIOUS to me as yours are to YOU, whether or not half the world feels the same way, or NOBODY does - whether or not they conform to anyone else ...
I tend to believe that until we allow others the latitude and mutual RESPECT to believe whatever they choose to, and even defend that right, differences will only serve to separate us, and cultivate resentment, anger, and hatred, instead of being embraced the way they SHOULD be ...
Love is LOVE, there are NO qualifications ... compassion, empathy and understanding are important parts of what that word encompasses, yet I think we often see love as one dimensional, and reserved for those we feel amorously about, but it also relates to our fellow man ....
OK, my rant is over, and my soap box shall go back into the closet now.