One Kiss
All I am asking for is one kiss
One sweet, sorrowful kiss
Like the ones we used to share
When we were young
How my lips have missed your lips
How my tongue has missed you tongue
How I hunger, how I ache
How I wake in a fever pitch
And imagine myself back on those nights
Those cold, frosty nights
When we would huddle for warmth under your blankets
When you would trail your fingers
Up my stomach under my shirt
Back when my skin was soft and naïve to your touch
When you would press your body against my body
Nuzzle me in the crook of my neck
Back when we were so inexperienced
When your lips just barely touched mine
And mine just barely touched yours
Back when things were still innocent between us
Before we grew up and grew out
Before we became awkward
Before we were corrupted
Now when I see you
Foolish thoughts roll through my mind
Of what could never be
And I wish that I could have one last kiss
To quiet my thoughts
To satisfy my lust
To end all kisses
So I don’t ever miss you again.