One Last Note
I'm left behind once again,
Just one more goodbye I have to
Endure through but I'll be fine,
I promise. I'm strong. Honestly, I
Don't completely understand why
But even before we said goodbye
I felt our love die. I never wanted
This to happen, but I can't
Bring you back and I, have to face this,
It's over; I don't apologize for it. I said what I had to
And you did what you had to.
That's the way this works. Sometimes with you
I got way too honest, way too up close
And personal with myself, ended up hating myself
For being so needy; but I don't need that,
This love wasn't all there was after all,
I'm finding myself and happiness without you
Though it's been slow coming. Once,
You let me have a glimpse of the sun instead
Of the mocking shadows, but we watched
The sun set, watched the roses wither and die;
And I don't regret a single moment...