One Last Walk
One Last Walk
Falling, falling faster as my world comes crashing in
Shattered into pieces, a fragmented puzzled man
Blind sided catastrophically, recovery seems so rare
Wide eyed, open mouthed, jaw dropped into nowhere
What I thought so perfect, you thought the other way around
Cardiac arrest, dead chest, breath of no air, voice without sound
The pain in me categorically a level 10 on a disastrous scale
Falling through open space, a hopeless Jack A$$ with no tail
I thought that we were happy, I thought you were my best friend
Was it that easy to forget me, is he that much better of a man
If I die I'll go peacefully if true happiness is what you've found
This I thought you had with me as I smile teeth first into the ground
Please, please just remember me, look to the stars I'll be right there
My love for you is unconditionally, your Guardian Angel of despair
You have infected my entire Being, every part of me loves you so
One last time please hold my hand and walk with me before I go...
Written For Contest: Lost Love Free Verse or Rhyme
Hosted by:John Hamilton 05/12/17