One Lucky Guy
Well they say you're One Lucky Guy
I couldn't write like you if I tried
Keep on, keeping on and never let
That fire die…I just shake my head
And sighed… 'cuz they have no idea
How little I hoped to accomplish
Thus far, I thought in my early
Teens by now I'd be a big time
Rock-n-roll star but funny how time
Flies and you're left feeling all
Washed up inside...still they say
You’re One Lucky Guy to have
Found true love when most
People would kill to be in your
Shoes and what's more you still
Look half your age, man Gods'
Been good to you...well I just
Shake my head and sigh 'cuz
They have no idea the mistakes
I've made and the heartaches
I've endured to get to where I
Am so needless to say I feel a
Little jaded in a way and days
When I feel like saying “the hell
With it all and who really gives
A damn "but people only see
What they want to see and not
The disillusionment or the tears
Behind a veil of lies so I shake
My head and sigh, I just shake
My head and sigh every time
They say you are One Lucky Guy,
You are One Lucky Guy!