One Moment
One Moment
I cant think of any one else
I cant help myself
When you look at me the way you do
I really want you
We have a kind of magic together
That we cant feel with another
After four years
gone are my tears
We are meant to be
This is what i hope to see
I want to wait for you
So there's nothing you can do
Nothing you can say
To make me want to go away
I know it may take awhile
But you make me smile
I think of you often
My heart with you has softened
I now know you care for me
We have some great history
I treasure our memories together
They make me laugh forever
I really want to make some new memories with you
We can take one moment at a time too
One moment by one moment is all we need
Time to plant our seed
Feb.8th, 2010 Bettie L. Avery