Love Poem: One More Chance To Dance
Cam Mac Avatar
Written by: Cam Mac

One More Chance To Dance

If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I stand in a stance and glance at him with a frown
and knock him down to the ground while he turned around
How I'd love love love
To dance with my father again

If by dance you mean abusing, using all my might 
to fight it seems confusing, because you don’t know the sight
of riding home at night, 
after flying kites with your dad, 
and pickin clovers
then gettin pulled over
“Geeze dad, what’d you do bad?”
“Please don’t be mad, I can honestly promise I’m sober”
I looked over my shoulder
and saw red-blue lights
they had him dead-to-rights.
Guess he won’t me tuckin me in bed tonight.